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Nero corrupted files
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Nero corrupted files

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om on March 14, 2003
Nero corrupted files

Hi all,
I've just bought a CD-R Lite ON 52X/24X/52X.
On the nero CD, I've got Nero and InCD.
After Nero installation, when I launch Nero, I get an error message like
: nero.exe file may be modified or corrupted...
Furthermore, I can't launch InCD installation from my CD, I get the same
So I download tomorrow Nero and Incd from, and try
to extract them, I get the following message : "Archive is corrupted !"
for the two executables files...
I have no virus on my computer (verified...). I use Windows 98 (nobody
is perfect !) and I've no service pack installed.

What can I do ?
Warren on October 30, 2004
RE: Nero corrupted files

I had the same problem today with Nero for a SAMSUNG CD-RW on WINDOWS XP SP2-went to NERO, downloaded the only update available for Version 5 and that was corrupted in last file-so a 16MB download wasted and no better off.
Brandon on February 12, 2006
RE: Nero corrupted files

HiI have a similar issue. I purchased nero 7 and then installled the latest update which was 7.5.4. It worked great for a while until I had a conflict between Itunes and nero being the default adio playewrs. I then proceededto reinstall nero so I could change the default player rights. When I did this, it couldn't locate the file to reinstall, so I thought to put in the installation cd I purchased. This didn't work so I downloaded the nero update all over again from there website. When this didn't work either I began to get really ticked off so I decided to uninstall nero and then install it again. When I got about 3/4 ofthe way through the gathering information process, I get three error messages saying Installion is corupted, please reinstall nero. FATAL ERROR. I tried to do a system restore to an earlier date but the same thing still occurs. Please help I have no idea what to do next.
little help on June 11, 2006
RE: Nero corrupted files

why installing update???
if the cd version is old get another version, ask your fds that had a version that is working for them, get the cd from them and copy the nero setup for your future need. i supose nero does have some versions that makes harder to trust but with no choice try geting a verion that is working btw your fds...

Stefen you are a piece of hole and will die there.. Sin is what you deliver not what you do to your self..
calin david on December 13, 2007
RE: Nero corrupted files

i need a corruption for the nero 8.1.1
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