| Al Erickson on December 28, 2004 | Cd Writer
Im using win xp . have memorex writer.
using nero 5.5 problem is Im uable to cds of any sort for example picture folder I tried to write on cd. In win and also in in nero. Its starts ok like write but after about a 2 minute or so it reject the cd and
give an error report saying not able complete the task so I try again with a new cd same . i trid the up graded verson of nero 6 and contacted them no help. can you help thank you |
| sanjib maulik on November 22, 2005 | RE: Cd Writer
does a cd writer lose its capability of writing,
if i use it very often as a cd rom only !
therefore, am i to fit a cd rom also when i am having a cd writer !
thank u |
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