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CDRW/CDROM not working together
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CDRW/CDROM not working together

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TB on October 21, 2001
CDRW/CDROM not working together

Currently I have 2 HD's installed and 2 CDROMs (CDRW&CDROM), but the CDROMs are not recognized. If I disconnect either CDROM the other one works fine. When both are connected Windows does not find either one, and Device Manager shows a problem with the Secondary IDE Controller (dual fifo) - error code 10.

I have a PIII-450Mhz PC, running WIN 98 SE. One CD is a CDRW 32x4x4 the other is a 50x CDROM.

I have tried:
- checked the dip switches (CDRW is master, CD is slave)
- tried to reinstall drivers
- removed the Intel PCI Bus MAster IDE controller completely, allowing Windows to reinstall it and the primary/secondary IDE devices on reboot.

Other notes:
- this was all working fine originally, but I removed the CDROM and temporarily put it in a second PC, when putting it back it wouldn't work.
- The BIOS settings are set to Auto detect, and on boot the BIOS is detecting both CD's correctly.

Dally on March 1, 2002
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

Oh My ... I'm having the same problem ! And it appear's no one answered you .. if you figure it out, could ya help this desperate gal ? *LOL* Good luck cause i know i need it *L*
TB on June 6, 2002
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have had a few people contact me that had the same problem. No one seems to have an answer.

I did get it to work finally. However it makes little sense.
I finally swapped the CD and CDRW drives and it suddenly worked. i.e. I changed their order on the cable, and I changed the slave/master jumper settings on each. It definately worked the other way originally.

I believe it to be a Microsoft issue since the BIOS recognizes the devices properly.

My only suggestion to others having the problem is to keep playing with things, and changing things around, maybe some combination will work.
Dally on June 6, 2002
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

Well i finally got things working .. i asked a guy that i worked with to come over and have a look at it ... he said i did what the instructions said 100% and he fiddled with a few things and WHAM had it working in a few minutes so he really doesnt know what was wrong with it all !

But thanks for trying to help anyhow *L*
Sifix on July 28, 2002
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have the same problem with my new CD-RW drive and my old DVD-drive. I gues I have to try all posible jumper settings then.. :/ I realy hate when these sort of things hapens.
Alan Hunt on August 7, 2002
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I had the same problem, and tried switching the Master/Slave positions, as per the above advice, and it fixed the problem. Bizarre. It works for two years, then stops. I love Microsoft.
Anthony Moody on August 22, 2002
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have a CDRom and a CDRW drive I can write to the CDRW and it works fine... but then I can only read the files from the CDRW and not from the CDRom. Am I doing something wrong or is that the way it works?
Andy on October 1, 2002
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

an error 10 means that your device can not start, this is probabaly due to your device using the wrong resources. your best bet is to find a driver off the net specificaly for your cd-rom drives. try the manufacturers sit first.
Gary Jones on October 4, 2002
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have a Compaq 7000 computer and the same thing happened to me, all at once, my cd-writer quit working properly. It locks up my computer, and sometimes just opens for no reason (??). I called Compaq, and they said it's a "software" problem, for which I have no support for. Seems to me they were saying "I have no idea what your'e talking about!" Anyway, I bought this computer new, and I haven't changed anything, so there's no reason why it shouldn't work right, but I'll try the jumper thing. If anyone else has any ideas, LMK!

Gary J
tan on June 23, 2003
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have dell 733 with 128M all of a sudden my cdrom would not work. When i insert a CD it does not play. can someone give step by step directions about trouble shooting. How do i check BIOS settings
Enrique Sumrajit on May 21, 2004
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

Notation: When installing a cd-burner and a cd-rom internally, the default setting on the jumper for the cd-burner is "master" and the default setting on the jumper for the cd-rom is "slave" when both devices are connected via the same ide cable.
Sheven on May 28, 2004
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

i just got this same problem, tried installing a game and it didnt auto run like usual, thats when i noticed in the device manager it said -CODE 10- a total noob when it comes to hardware/drivers and have no idea what anyone here is saying to do =/

if anyone could spare the time to email me with a fix for this i would appreciate it very much.
Velma on June 28, 2004
RE: CDRW not working in Win 98

I installed for CDRW in a 2nd machine and it no longer works. It keeps being recognized as a CDROM. It is a Lite On 52x32x52 mod #LTR 52327S. The software that came with the burner (Nero Burning Rom recognizes it as being installed but I keep getting error message about drive "e" not accessible. I have a Compaq Deskpro EN. I have a 2nd drive installed-a CDROm and it works fine for reading. My bios lists one drive as Target 0 and the other Target 1. Is there any help?
Teddo on July 7, 2004
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

The CD-RW needs to be jumpered as master and placed on the END CONNECTOR of the secondary IDE ribbon-The CD-ROM should be jumpered as slave on the secondary chain and attached to the middle connector of the IDE ribbon. ESPECIALLY if you are using an 80 conducter cable- That should resolve the IDE incompatibility-
Efrem on August 2, 2004
CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have the same problem. I have one CDR/CD RW in one device. It connnect to the motherboard independently (without master and slave option).

I am using windows xp. In device manager, it says it is working properly. It displays on my computer screen. The drivers are installed well. It was working with other same CDR/CDRW. When I change another device with the same specification, it wont woirking. It does not read or play or write from/to the device.

What is the problem?

Thanks in advance
Nyeboe on September 23, 2004
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have the same problem and have switched the drives slave/master and no luck. The burner only burns if it is the only thing attached. Why is this?
lil on October 11, 2004
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I reloaded XP, the secondary IDE now has error 28 (driver installation error), I repaired this once by downloading the Lite on DVD RW driver. Now it simply will not work. Help?!
Robert Russell on November 4, 2004
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have just installed an external Iomega CD burner, and it will burn cd's, but they can only be read on the burner, and not on the computer. When the burned cd is inserted in the cd tray on the computer, the drive spins up and the computer locks up. I have to unplug the computer to get the drive to go down so I can remove the disc. I can burn a cd from My Documents or My Briefcase, and there is no problem. That way the cd can be played on either the burner or the computer. Robert Russell
gonzo on November 29, 2004
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

Are you burning your files onto CD-R or CD-RW disks? Files burned onto a CD-R disk should be readable on any CD-ROM. Some burning software requires you to select a check mark in the options or settings in order to make the disk compatable after burning. The reason being, once you have done this procedure, you can't add more files to the disk again.

Files copied to a CD-RW disk can only be viewed or opened with the drive that burned them. The reason being, the formatting used to repeatedly copy and erase files is specific to each manufacturers drive. You may be able to view files on an identical drive connected to a different computer.
Ceirwyn on February 25, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I also have this problem of a CDRW working fine but a CDROM not being read. It only occurs after installing nero (either v5 or 6). If I uninstall Nero, the PC (Win98) reads both drives fine. I initially thought that it was down to InCD4 but I have to remove Nero to get rid of the problem.

If anybody finds an answer to reading both drives whilst having Nero installed I would be interested to know. The problem doen not occur when Instant CD is loaded instead of nero so it's something to do with Nero.
George Brown on February 26, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

See Microsoft Knowledgebase Article 314060 at;en-us;314060
KB on March 18, 2005
CD roms not working

Suddenly, they BOTH dont work. The CD player comes up but consistently says there is NO CD in the drive when there is. I checked Autobat and Config and there is nothing in either about a CDRom. Device Manager says their both there, Win Explorer, reads the tracks but nothing plays.

Im exhausted! Ive been searching the Net for three hours!
sarianne on June 25, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

i installed a usb 2.0 connecter into my pci slot, now my cd drive won't recognize that there is a cd in when there is. the device manager says that there is no problems...i'm using windows 2000. any ideas? is this a common or freak occurence? HELP!!!!
wan_lep on June 27, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

juz use the cd-rw oni lahz...since it can read n write cd...
Knight00011 on July 21, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

John on August 6, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

My cd rom is not working.After inserting a disk it will still say insert a disk.I have tried many times but it won't just work.
I have checked the device manager and it says it is working properly.
What can i do?
Susan on August 20, 2005
lite-on cd rom won't open

I recently had to replace a screw that hold the USB ports in place. I had to remove the CD Rom to get the screw back in place. Now my CD rom rw does not open. Please help!
Lori on October 15, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I too just bought a micro advantage cd rw 52x32 it shows up on the computer but that is it. Installed Nero but it won't read anything. My other cd player does work. Any answers for me? I use windows 98. Thanks Lor
Harry Bowyer on November 5, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

My cdrw was able to accept being written to yesterday. Today when trying to sent photo's to it up comes a prompt saying my cd disc is only for reading WHY

Any help will be appreciated
fritz on November 14, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

i have a cd/rw of 52x24x52. manufactures are benq. this cd writer can not read or write any cd yet it appears in my computer and drivers are installed. when i insert a cd, it first spins and then comes to a stand still and then spins again and comes to a stand still it ends up slowing down other processes. can some one help me.
rhera on November 16, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

My burner has just completely stopped working for no foreseen reason. the little green light appears but nothing. i cant even get a normal music c.d to work anymore. i'm not too computer literate so if there is any advice, i would appreciate it in terms i can understand!!!
Henz on December 23, 2005
RE: DVDRW/CDROM not working

I have a cdrom and a dvd-rw, when i burn a disc for example a music disc it doesnt play probably.i've had it for a while and it worked. What could be the problem.


nygirl on December 24, 2005
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I got Presario X1000 notebook and after an attempt to write files onto a CD, which failed at the end of the process, I can't read ANY DVDs or CDs. The CD I was using might have been corrupt, dunno. Right after that my DVD/CD-RW drive is blank even when CD or DVD is inside. It makes a bit of a crunch noise as if it were trying to start but were jamming and then dies. I tried to uninstall the drive, then reset the BIOS default settings, started and restarted the comp 100 times and...nada. The driver seems to be ok. Is it possible the hardware got damaged? Help!
edmund on January 28, 2006
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

i have a dvd/dvd-rw which is working but its not writing cd=rw's. what should i do?
Molly on February 4, 2006
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

my computer disk drive is not working whenever i put a cd rom in it.

for example: i put my sims game in and it doesnt come up pr anything.

please help
PHYzIk on February 11, 2006
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

Mkay i got an old deskpro from school, currently running a p3 at i think 633Mhz, booting a ten gig as master for programs and a 300 gig for storage on slave. runing windows xp when i boot up with my 52x32x52 cd-rw sony drive i cannot get past the xp GUI boot screen. it just freezes, i thought this to be very odd since never encountering the problem before, i had a system older than this that ran the same drive fine. Also does anyone know what the MHz range of the dimm sockets are, i currently have 128 of pc100 and when i try 256 of pc133 it give some kinda rain bow screen as soon as P.O.S.T is finished counting the ram. and one more thing off topic LOL, my Girl friends PC will not let her have more than one IE window open at once, once agian i have never had this problem, i recently installed windowblinds, is that a possible reason, but i also have it on mine and never had a problem, well if anyone can help with one, some or all of this it would be really cool.
danny on March 11, 2006
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

edmund, I have the same problem as you, I have a dvd/dvd-rw which is working but its not writing cd/r's and the funny thing is that the dvd/r is working also some times it dose not read cd's at all so I have take it out and put it back in, any help on this?

Steven on May 17, 2006
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I had a issue with both of my cd rom drives not working.Error code 39.Seemed like a driver problem but it turned out to be a registry problem instead. Took hours to find it and repair it.
Below is the fix for that problem or error code 39 problems.
I only hope this can help someone out there someday.Its very frustrating trying to repair something that you know is not broken in the first place.

use regedit

remove the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values completely from the following registry key:


good careful screwing around
with the registry if you attempt this fix.
Nishata on August 5, 2006
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I tried to burn a cd, and it kept saying insert a blank cd out, so I took it out and put in another one, but it still didn't work, and I ended up trying all the cd's, and it kept saying the same thing. And yes I have a burner, I just burned some songs about 3 days ago with no problem, and I always use the same cd's, so that's not the problem. At first I was on itunes, and I thought maybe it was a problem with itunes, so I tried it with Windows Media Player, and it said insert a blank cd. So its not the cd's, can anyone please help me out. Please!
Beatie on February 23, 2007
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

The I already heared of the pxhelp20.sys was a problem! Your regedit trick was also related to this file! And YES it works also for me! Thanks man. this saves hours of work...

If I solved a problem on my own, I also place it somewhere on the net so that others perhaps can use them as well!
jitender on April 23, 2007
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I am having problem in CDRW, sometime it reads the CDs and sometimes it don't and shows the message "not accessible". I am also having problem in writing the CDs.

waiting for reply.
harshit on May 10, 2007
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

i have a problem that my dvd drive plays some dvd and original cd only . what should i do
Bill S. on November 19, 2007
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have similar fault as the first poster, but neither drive shows up in My Computer, and the Device Manager shows a ? mark meaning it has an error it can't define well, offering only update the driver for device option. I typically set my drives as Cable Select and they work.
This system is a new blank drive formatted with my original Windows ME and put on a Compaq EN motherboard (DeskPro from 1998 2001 era) and eMachine case and drive... as well as a CD RW drive, the eMachine DVD RW drive is a late model one which shouldn't really be a factor as I use a newer burner for DVDs in an old discontinued parallel port external drive.
Arshad on December 8, 2007
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

i have a cdrw, when i insert a disk and try to play, it does not give any response. whats the problem?
Yonas Tadesse on February 26, 2008
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have a CDROOM & CD Burner , when i insert a disk and try to play, it does not give any response. whats the problem?
nb on February 26, 2008
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I agree that it is a windows issue. because i too had that problem once. but i just used my ghost backup and recovered my drive letter instantly.


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JeanWentzell on March 10, 2008
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

We are currantly running a Vista 32 bit windows. I am unable to use andy cd drivers. The error code I keep getting is Error 10, Instant write conrold center and Tray starter is not working. Please help! To tell the truth I am really tired of trying to find solutions on Vista!
Joe on April 1, 2008
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I have a Compaq with a DVD burner and I have burned many Cd's in it before. I have a couple of programs that I did it on and now it keeps saying insert disk when one is already in. I had Vista but went back to Windows XP either one works. Any advice as to where to look to correct the problem on my computer?
This is very aggravating. It will play a DVD or CD!
j.mclean on September 9, 2008
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

if any of you people who are having problems with cd-roms or burning you should check add and remove programmes first and locate and remove prosavage this is what is stopping you're cd's from ripping and burning. hope it works for you.
jimmy mac(kirkby)liverpool.
Bob on October 13, 2008
RE: CDRW/CDROM not working together

I installed a new HD on my computer. I have a Presario S4300NX computer. I used the recovery CD's to reinstall Windows XP. After a few attempts, everything seemed to be working great. As I began reinstalling all my programs I normally use, some of the CD's could not be recognized. Odd, one was Vista OS.. Never used that CD before. Neither CD driver would read it, in Windows Explorer, couldn't see any files on it. No conflicts in device manager. I uninstalled both cd drives and reinstalled them, did the REGEDIT thing. No driver updates because I can't find any. Windows XP update driver reads I have the updated drivers it has to offer. Target location of the drives are on 0 and 1 if that means anything. Nothing I've seen offers any help.... wondering if i should just replace the 2 CD drives?? I don't do any burning or watching movies, just use the CD to install software... Any Suggestions?? I have LITE-ON LTR-48246S and Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1712 as my cd drivers. Same one's that came with the computer....
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