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Sony Vaio pcg-z600re
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Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

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Cliff on November 1, 2001
Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

I have had lots of shut down problems on my computer using 98-SE.
I want to change to XP.
Should I do a full install or will I still have these problems on XP.
Has anyone out there had these problems.
Clifton Pilgrim on April 20, 2004
RE: Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

I got my 600 in 2000 and loaded XP within a month of its release...good install...takes a while but worth it.
I did a dual boot install because I had some hardware issues in the earlier phases...recomend full install.
Maybe you can help me ..I am looking for a bios chip for mine IC7001
Malik Fazal on January 9, 2005
RE: Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

My system has lost sound and VGA Driver,Let me
know from where can I download or install,plz.
Laptop Model is = PCG-Z600RE
Malik Fazal on January 9, 2005
RE: Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

I have a laptop Model PCG-Z600RE
Which has lost Sound and VGA Driver
Let me know from where I can download
or install it,plz
Peter on March 16, 2005
RE: Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

I have a Z600RE where I have installed XP, but right now I cannot change contrast FN key and F5 of screen anymore, neither sound will be adjustable with FN key & F4.
Can anyone help me.


Robin on March 17, 2005
RE: Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

hey Peter...

there must have been a driver CD with ur Machine... i guess by installing the propper drivers, ur problems will be solved...

Good luck... Let me informed what happens with u...
Marcel on May 16, 2005
RE: Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

Where can I get the latest bios update for my PCG-Z600RE notebook (using winXP)? I've some problems to load my new battery...

michel on October 14, 2005
Sony Vaio pcg-z600re bios

I forgot my bios password ;-(
i've tried to find any battery on the mother board in order to erase the cmos-> no battery found.
Is anyone knows how to deal that "little big" problem.
Thanx a lot

drcomputadoras on October 5, 2006
Sony Vaio pcg fx776

My God I have looking all day for a answer about how to look my bios password and notbody know how to do i, its, lock by the Bios Password, please Help me
sappy on November 26, 2007
RE: Sony Vaio pcg-z600re

i m not getting audio on my pcg-z600re. I have installed xp. will it take all the ports and devices properly working?

where from i can download the driver for activating audio.

- Sappy
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