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Issues with my audio.
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Issues with my audio.

Questions & Answers > PC Hardware
Steve on October 4, 2008
Issues with my audio.

There is no sound coming from my speakers. I have checked the device manager and my speakers don't show up in there. I have SigmaTel 92XX speakers. At first my codecs weren't working either but I downloaded an XP Codec pack and that fixed my video viewing problem. My speakers are plugged in, and they've been working just fine all until yesterday. I have checked the windows audio service and it says it's running. I have tried downloading driver updates, but I can't install it when my computer can't even read my speakers. I have tried adding these speakers to hardware but at the end of installation it says an error occurred. I have an integrated sound card and it is turned on in BIOS.
Seriously, what gives?
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