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Lexmark X3480 Printer Driver

Drivers > Printer > Lexmark > X3480

Free download and instructions for installing the Lexmark X3480 All-in-One Printer Driver for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit. For those who have lost the installation CD.

OSTypeVersionDate AddedFile SizeFile TypeDownload Link (About)
Windows 2000Driver1.0.5.12008-05-2452.48 MBexeLexmark X3480 Windows 2000 Printer Driver Download
Windows XPDriver1.0.5.12008-05-2452.48 MBexeLexmark X3480 Windows XP Printer Driver Download
Windows VistaDriver1.0.5.12008-05-2452.48 MBexeLexmark X3480 Windows Vista Printer Driver Download
Windows XP 64-bitDriver1.0.5.12008-05-2464.33 MBexeLexmark X3480 Windows XP 64-bit Printer Driver Download
Windows Vista 64-bitDriver1.0.5.12008-05-2464.33 MBexeLexmark X3480 Windows Vista 64-bit Printer Driver Download
Windows 7Driver1.0.17.12009-12-0543.57 MBexeLexmark X3480 Windows 7 Printer Driver Download
Windows 7 64-bitDriver1.0.17.12009-12-0561.33 MBexeLexmark X3480 Windows 7 64-bit Printer Driver Download
Taking too long to download? Order a driver CD containing all of these installation files or buy high-speed priority download access.
This page was last reviewed on December 26, 2013 to ensure all drivers are up-to-date.

Installation Instructions

To install the Lexmark X3480 All-in-One Printer driver, download the version of the driver that corresponds to your operating system by clicking on the appropriate link above. A window should then show up asking you where you would like to save the file. Save the driver file somewhere on your computer where you will be easily able to find it, such as your desktop. Then follow the instructions below corresponding to the file type that you downloaded

exe (Executable File)

Go to the location where you saved the file and double click on the file. Then simply follow the on-screen instructions for installing the driver.

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 Comments about Lexmark X3480 Printer Driver
Elida on October 3, 2016
hey carrie,glad you came to Touch-a-Truck! chris and i were the lead organizers and, yes, it WAS packed and crazy, but we raised a great amount of money to support the arts programs at PS 295! and i hope maybe your son had some fun? P.S. — i was wearing a ponytail and big sunglasses. ah, wesa.Melill/Shiny Brite recently posted..
Jerry on February 14, 2015
Hey, just looking around some blogs, seems a pretty great platform you are using. I’m currently using Wordpress for a few of my sites but looking to change one of them over to a platform similar to yours as a trial run. Anything in particular you would recommend about it?
jimbo33 on February 13, 2015
can't comment not used it yet
frederic on March 13, 2014
... Je soupçonne fort Lexmark d'avoir fait un coup marketing sous vista pour sauver ce produit .. je n'ai jamais vu personne arriver à faire fonctionner un x3470 sous vista ... toutes les procédures données par Lexmark pour y arriver ne servent à rien ...
Frederic on March 13, 2014
Réellement impossible de démarer un Lexmark x3470 sous vista avec le driver proposé ici ... j'en ai essayés un bonne 15zaine .. tous réputés "compatibles vista" .. sur ce site ou d'autres .. rien ne marche ... c'est à se demeander si ça existe ...
Dan on December 14, 2013
good driver but the scanner driver is missing
J Pentleton on January 20, 2012
Releived to finally find a download for my printer installation
jomic on January 20, 2012
Hope it works for me. Tried other sites unsuccessfully

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